We’re all seeking… the right group of friends, the right job, the right spouse, the right town, the right school, the right church. We’d love to help in that search.  We know the hardest part is taking that first step across a threshold and, well, here you are.  May we make a few recommendations here to help you in your search…


As a part of growing in our relationship with Christ, we need to be grounded and discipled in the tenets of our faith. However, that is only the beginning. The next step beyond being discipled is to then step out and share what we have learned by discipling others. Click below to find our discipleship group and where they meet.

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Women's Ministries

The Women’s Ministry connects, disciples, encourages, teaches and ministers to women of all ages, cultures and interests. Whether through monthly programs or weekly teaching or service to others, we strive to show Christ’s love in a joyous atmosphere.

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Worship Team

Music has always been an integral part of life at Northwood Temple. The phrase, “I Will Sing” occurs over and over in the Bible, indicating that music is perhaps the most dynamic way of expressing worship to God. Because of the cultural, racial, and denominational variety included in our church family, we sing praise and worship songs in a number of styles, not to exclude old hymns and gospel songs.

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Northwood Kids

Northwood Kids is a place where kids can have a great big life with a great big God. A place where faith, imagination, and learning go hand in hand. Every week will be a new fun and creative experience designed just for kids as they grow in their walk with God.

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